
Jumat, 27 Juli 2007

Info wisata kota Semarang

The manstay of Semarang tourist destination are:


The historic monument is licated in down town Semarang. This monument was built to commemorate the heroes who died in the Five Days of Battle in Semarang on 14 -19 October,1945 against the Japanese Army. This monument was made in the form of wax and there are some reliefs that depict the suffering of the people

Simpang Lima

This place is the heart of Semarang

Taman Budaya Raden Saleh (TBRS)

This is theme park in downtown, precisely at Jl Sriwijaya 29 Semarang. The location of this park is very strategic, this park has land and shade trees. This park has some facilities to perform a traditional art on special moment

Taman Lele

Taman Lele have a wide ± 22 173 m2 and located on the Highway to Jakarta. Taman lele is small zoo, on special moment the concerts hold on Taman Lele especially Dangdut

Obyek wisata alam Goa Kreo

Goa Kreo is located in Dukuh Talun Kacang, Kelurahan Kandri Kecamatan Gunungpati + 13 km from Tugumuda to the south, on the slopes of the hill and located at 350 m above of sea level

With wetland landscape around Goa Kreo and steep cliffs wich full of trees also clear rocky on the streams make a beautiful panorama.

According to legend of Goa Kreo is petilasan Kanjeng Sunan Kalijaga. When he looking for the wood to build the mosque of Demak, he stopped at Goa Kreo.

Told at the time he (Sunan Kalijaga) get assisted by four monkeys, it supposedly is the origin of the monkeys who live in Goa Kreo, now the monkeys about 300 .

Around the cave there are also bamboo kerincing that's believed is grow from the former skewers who served at Sunan Kalijaga when he entered into salvation. This bamboo leaves smell of goat .

Rare Plants on Goa Kreo are : Pohon beracun, sesambi/kucacil, lanji/wilikukur, kepoh atau jangkang, iwil-iwil dan kemloko.

The north of Goa Kreo there are originating waterfall from various sources of clear water and never dry

Museum Nyonya Meneer

The museum was established on January 18, 1984 collection of cultural objects on herbal medicine. Located on Jl. Kaligawe Semarang

Museum Rekor

The museum is storing / collecting the notes and records of remarkable achievement of the people of Indonesia. Located in Jl. Setiabudi 179 Semarang

Pantai Marina

Located in the northern of the city, adjacent to the Kawasan Pekan Raya Promosi dan Pembangunan ( PRPP ) and Puri Maerokoco ( Central Java Thumbnail Park ). there are Swimming Pool, Sky Air and Speed ​​Boot and a beautiful beach atmosphere.

Puri Maerokoco

This is Central Java Thumnail Park and located on the nothern of the city.

Agro Sodong

Agro Sodong is located in the Kelurahan Purwosari Kecamatan Mijen the concept was originally intended as an anticipatory step toward trend needs tourists to return to the natural (back to nature).

Kota Lama

Based on its history, the city of Semarang has an area which is at about the 18th century became the center of trade. Region in the area now called Old Town.

At that time, to secure the citizens and territory, the area was built fort, the named of the fort was VIJHOEK. To make speed communications path between the third gate of the fort they made ​​the roads , with its main street is named: HEEREN STRAAT. Currently named Jl. Let Jen Soeprapto. One of the gate of the fort which existing until now is Berok Bridge, called ZUIDER DE POR.

Transport path through the water is very important it is evidenced by the rivers that surround this area are navigable from the sea up to Sebandaran area, area of ​​Chinatown. At that time the Dutch East Indies had ranked second as a producer of sugar all over the world. At the time it was happening forced cultivation (Cultur stelsel) throughout the Netherlands East Indies.

Semarang Old City area is also called OUTSTADT. This area about 31 hectares. Based of the condition of geography, it seems that area is separated from the surrounding area, so it seems like a separate city, earning it the nickname "Little Netherland. "

Semarang Old City area is a silent witness to the history of Dutch colonial Indonesia more than 2 centuries, and its location adjacent to the area economy. This place is about 50 old buildings that still stand sturdy and has a history of colonialism in Semarang.

Semarang Old Town is a historic region with many ancient buildings are considered to be potential for economic development in the field of culture and conservation areas.

Taman Satwa di Wonosari
The zoo at Wonosari is removal of Tinjomoyo zoo.
Located in a very strategic location because it ison the highway Semarang - Jakarta. The distance is only 15 km from downtown and is very easy to be achieved with various types of vehicles both private vehicles and public vehicles. With collection of various animals,the zoo also equipped with water attractions.
Polder Tawang
The function Polder Tawang is to protect the overflow water from outside the region and controlling the water level inside the Old City.

Taman Rekreasi Wonderia
Children's playground like the boom-boom car, jet coaster, Ferris wheel, haunted house, mini train, plane luncur."Wonderia" also features an open stage featuring musical attractions are also used for the music festival. The location was easy to reach because its near opf downtown is on Jl. Srivijaya, with parking space

Warung Semawis
It is a stand of selling the best various foods in Semarang. Stand was held in open spaces along the street with the order of tables and tents next to the middle. Warung Semawis an ideal place for families to relax while enjoying a meal under the stars and the moonlight scattered. There are a variety of foods such as rice pela menu, Javanese noodle , various typical oriental cuisine Gang Warung, Ice complacent, Soto, various porridge, satay, fried chicken and so on. The people who came to choosing foods and will be escorted to the table at an affordable price. Locations in Jalan Gang Warung, Kelurahan Kranggan, Central Semarang. Opened every Friday, Saturday and Sunday hours are from 17:00 to 23:00 pm.

Ngaliyan Tirta Indah
Ngaliyan Tirta Indah is a swimming pool located in Ngaliyan roadway District Ngaliyan . Built in 1991, this pool has an area of ​​2 ha. In addition to the pool this place is also equipped with various types of nursery plants and flowers, gym and cafeteria.

Gedung Batu
This pagoda was built by an envoy from China named Sam Poo Tay Djien on a tour to Semarang, as one stopover of a series of visits to Asian countries. Pagoda which gave the inspiration for the development of various legends about the city of Semarang in particular this Simongan region has a structure which is very beautiful. With a mix of Chinese ornament which is very thick coupled with a similar roof forms joglo, this building is an interesting place to visit.

Gelanggang Pemuda Manunggal Jati
This building was built to accommodate the various activities undertaken by youth organizations in the city of Semarangas well as each organization's secretariat.

Taman Tabanas Gombel
The park is located on the hill is famous for its gardens Gombel Tabanas in the front yard. As the hills, this area of Semarang cooler bottom and from here we can enjoy views of the city below. In the vicinity are many hotels and restaurants stand.

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